Google has become synonymous with “search engine”. It’s not unusual to hear someone say they are going to “Google it” instead of “search for it” online. An upstart is looking to change that. is the new search engine on the block, and the way they do things is very different from Google’s search engine. Learn about this new option and how it might impact your SEO strategy.’s New Search Engine
How is this new search engine different from the others? For starters, results are shown in a grid format to sort and compare results. This interface encourages users to look at a variety of sources rather than rely on the first few links on the page. The CEO describes it as an app approach, with tiles that users can swipe. There are several other significant differences that highlights on their website:
- Enhanced privacy. has an option for private searching, and they promise to never sell your data to advertisers.
- No Ads (Currently). The new search engine is currently ad free, but that may change. They reiterate their commitment to never using privacy-invading ads.
- Influence Your Sources. lets users “upvote” and “downvote” categories to influence which sources you see first. Your “votes” will allow you to see preferred sources in your search results first, neutral sources next, and downvoted sources last.
- Summarize the Web. describes itself as “the world’s first open search engine platform” that uses “useful and actionable content” to summarize web search results for users.
What This Means For You
It’s hard to imagine a start-up toppling the colossus that is Google, but may have come along at just the right time to make an impact. With increased user concerns about privacy and data mining, combined with increased regulations regarding ads online, this search engine might be the answer consumers have been looking for. What impact could this have on your online marketing strategy?
If you rely heavily on paid advertising to get to the top of Google’s search results, startups like this one can affect you. If you have followed our advice and focused on improving your SEO organically, you will still be in great shape. Components of a great organic SEO strategy that will land you at the top of any new search engine include:
- A solid keyword strategy
- Avoid duplicate content
- Use of an SEO plugin
- Optimize your images
- Apply your SEO strategy to YouTube and Social Media
An SEO strategy that relies on organic growth, keyword research, and solid content will put you at the front of the pack no matter which service users are employing. It’s always good to keep up with Google, but a strong SEO strategy will help you become a leader on other search engines as well.
Are you struggling to get noticed by search engines? Give your SEO strategy a boost with our SEO Audit. Our customized report will show where you rank now and give you personalized results that you can start using immediately. We’ll build an SEO strategy that you can use to grow your business on any search engine.